Transform Your Look with Aesthetic Enhancements in Dubai

Are you ready to transform your smile and boost your confidence? Look no further than Aesthetics & Dermatology at YAH Polyclinic, your trusted partner for achieving perfection!

Aesthetic Enhancements in Dubai


Laser Hair

Smooth, hair-free skin with advanced laser technology. Say goodbye to razors and waxing. Effortless beauty awaits.


Erase wrinkles, and regain youth. Expertly administered Botox treatments for a refreshed, youthful appearance.



Enhance natural beauty with dermal fillers. Achieve plump, youthful skin. Non-surgical, stunning results in minutes.


Hair Growth

Reclaim your locks! Restore thicker, healthier hair with cutting-edge hair growth treatments.


Chemical Peel

Reveal radiant skin. A chemical peel revitalizes, softens, and rejuvenates, leaving you with a luminous complexion.


Nourish from within. Mesotherapy revitalizes skin and hair. Experience the ultimate beauty boost, naturally.


Fat Dissolving

Reshape your body. Target stubborn fat with non-surgical injections. Achieve a sculpted, confident you.



Elevate your beauty. Non-surgical facelifts, rejuvenated skin, firmer contours. Rediscover your youthful charm with innovative thread treatments.


Acne Scar Treatment

Unveil flawless skin. Our treatments erase acne scars, revealing a smooth, confident complexion. Discover your natural beauty.

Acne Scar Treatment

Unveil flawless skin. Our treatments erase acne scars, revealing a smooth, confident complexion. Discover your natural beauty.


Aesthetic Dentistry Where Beauty Meets Precision

YAH Polyclinic is your gateway to a world of dental excellence. Our mission is to enhance your natural beauty and confidence through a range of innovative dental services. With a team of experienced specialists at the forefront of their field, we craft personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. YAH Polyclinic is your path to a more beautiful, confident you.

Embrace Aesthetic Excellence – Act Now!

Take the first step towards a more confident, radiant you. Contact YAH Polyclinic today and schedule your consultation. Our expert team is eager to guide you on your journey to perfection. Don’t wait – seize the opportunity to transform and boost your self-esteem. Reach out now to experienced team in Dubai. Your future begins with a simple click or call.